Nigerian Airforce 2024/2025 Shortlisted Candidates

NAF Recruitment Shortlist checking procedures would be outlined right here on this page. Were you able to take part in the Nigerian Airforce recruitment exercise? If yes, then you’re on the right page because we would outline the step-by-step procedures one has to follow to be able to check the names of shortlisted persons immediately after it has been released.

Those who applied for the NAF recruitment on the portal should be informed that the shortlist has been released and applicants are urged to follow the steps outlined in this article to check the Nigerian Airforce Shortlisted Candidates PDF list.

Did you apply for the Nigerian Air Force 2023/2024 Trades and NonTradesmen/women Recruitment? If yes, then we will love to inform you that the list has been published online.

Has The Nigerian Airforce[NAF] Shortlist Been Released?

The NAF 2023/2024 Recruitment shortlist for the previous exercise is available online. Those whose names appear here are urged to come along with the following for the aptitude test: Pencil, Eraser, and NAF Application Acknowledgment Card.

How Can Applicants Check The Nigerian Airforce 2024 Shortlisted Candidates List

The names of shortlisted persons has been uploaded on the NAF recruitment & enlistment portal You can visit the social media pages of the Nigerian Airforce to access the PDF copy of the shortlist.

Keypoint To Note About the NAF Training Exercise

The Nigerian Airforce training must be concluded before shortlisted persons are commissioned. Only those who are commissioned would become officers of NAF. During the training exercise, adherence to instruction is very important and advisable.

Drop your comments below if you have any also, share this article with those that you know who participated in the recruitment exercise.

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  1. Noticefy me when the list of those sit for exam on 13th January 2024 is out

  2. good morning please if the next shortlist for air force recruitment is out please let me know God bless you

  3. Please I want to know if the shortlist for screening is out for the successful candidate, may God help us all in Jesus name amen

  4. Good morning
    Please I’ll like a notification when the NAF Recruitment shortlist is out

  5. If my name is come aut I will be happy, and pls forgot about the candidate , consider for who when to save well, candidate day can save you well , Hi is thinking that hi come from someone

  6. I want to know when is the list coming out? for those that sad for exams on 13 january 2023?

  7. God bless Nigerian air force . I want to ask is Nigeria air force final short list out

    1. God bless Nigerian air force, I want to no when is the list coming out for those that write exam on 13 of January 2023

  8. Please when the dssc Short listed is out please I want to know,, thank you..

  9. Why is it that people are re willing ,that has passion in joining work in Nigeria which is our father land ,re not getting it but
    People that didn’t go for it we be having the job with any detect

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